Tuesday, September 22, 2009

@Boomer Authority: A New Twitter-based Question and Answer Resource Helps Baby Boomers Obtain Timely Advice When They Need it Most

@Boomer Authority: A New Twitter-based Question and Answer Resource Helps Baby Boomers Obtain Timely Advice When They Need it Most

In increasing numbers baby boomers (people born between 1946-1964) are using social media to communicate, cooperate and collaborate. A new Twitter-based initiative helps Baby Boomers gain access to a community of over 500 professionals and organizations for timely advice when they need it most!

Tucson, AZ (PRWEB) September 22, 2009 -- @BoomerAuthority (http://www.twitter.com/boomerauthority) today officially launched - populated with 500+ "following professionals" from Boomer Authority™ (http://www.boomerauthority.ning.com) - a leading professional networking community of experts, organizations and online media properties that specialize in the 50+ active aging, Baby Boomer marketplace. The new initiative is poised to make Twitter the tool of choice for how baby boomers can obtain help on just about any Boomer-related topic.

"We wanted to create a simple but compelling value proposition," said Martin Diano, creator of Boomer Authority™ and founder of The 46-64 Boomer Initiative™ (http://www.the46-64boomerinitiative.org). "That value proposition being the ability to connect baby boomers, in real time, to a network of talented professionals to obtain timely advice when they need it most."

Diano said the concept is remarkably simple: "Use Twitter as a communications tool to improve the relationship between professionals and organizations and baby boomer consumers."

The free service marks a fundamental shift in the way marketers of products and professionals selling services reach the baby boomer consumer, from one-way communication to one of listening and individual response. Through Twitter, @BoomerAuthority connects baby boomers to qualified professionals who will first listen and then help them with their questions.

"At its most basic," said Diano, "@BoomerAuthority is an ask-the-expert program, which places professionals in a two-way conversation with a potential Baby Boomer buyer/client."

Register as a Boomer Authority™

Experts and organizations possessing special expertise that especially helps Baby Boomers with either a product or a professional service, may join the Boomer Authority™ community of experts FREE by entering your profile at the Boomer Authority™ (http://www.boomerauthority.ning.com) community site.

About Boomer Authority™

Boomer Authority™, a program of The 46-64 Boomer Initiative, is a leading interactive professional networking community comprised of experts, organizations and online media properties that specialize in the 50+ active aging, Baby Boomer demographic.


Contact Information Martin Diano

Boomer Authority



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