Friday, December 4, 2009

Mining for Keywords That Pull Traffic, SEO Tool Simplifies the Process

Mining for Keywords That Pull Traffic, SEO Tool Simplifies the Process

Austin-based Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agency RefreshWeb announces the launch of a new SEO dashboard, packaged in a monthly subscription and supported with expert advice. The announcement came at Innotech, Austin’s largest business and technology innovation conference.

Austin, Texas (Vocus) December 3, 2009 -- Austin-based Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agency RefreshWeb announces the launch of a new SEO dashboard, packaged in a monthly subscription and supported with expert advice. The announcement came at Innotech, Austin’s largest business and technology innovation conference.

The new RefreshWeb SEO dashboard is an SEO management tool which monitors the performance of websites on the major U.S. search engines. This SEO management software tracks keyword terms and search engine rankings for overall reach (the percentage of people looking for a client’s products and services who will see their site listed in the search engine results pages). The dashboard includes SEO reporting software, to track progress and highlight issues which need attention.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical to a company’s Internet marketing strategy. The information architecture of the site needs to correlate with the search terms most effective in delivering qualified leads. According to eMarketer’s 5-year forecast for US Search Marketing Spending (Feb. 2009), spending on SEO is expected to increase nearly 150%, to $3.85 billion in 2013.

“As clients move their sensitive search engine marketing in-house, we find they increasingly need help with strategy, education and tools,” states John Rasco, RefreshWeb president, “SEO is a powerful online marketing strategy, but clients tell us that the existing tools are too complex, and so granular that they are not useful on a day-to-day basis.”

Features of the SEO Dashboard Include:

•    Weekly updates with at-a-glance reach percentages for keyword phrases

•    Tables with sortable columns, to quickly assess gains and losses and reveal additional keyword opportunities

•    Ability to drill down into individual search engines and see the rankings for each term targeted and correlated to search volume

•    SEO progress reports, comparing any two dates, with detail for each keyword phrase

•    Reach/ranking summary reports show overall positions, individual keyword phrase rankings and visibility by search engine

•    Summary comparisons on rankings by search engines for any two reach/ranking summary reports—provides an excellent overview report for management

•    Trend charts for each keyword phrase, summarize results for baseline to current reach status

•    Reports drill down to 5-week history of rankings for each keyword phrase

•    Ranking summary and detailed reporting for each keyword phrase, showing math on reach numbers

•    Catalog of all available reach charts, reach/ranking summary reports and SEO progress reports

•    Password-protected client access

•    Administrative area for account managers to create reports

Each dashboard subscription comes with email-based support from real marketers on the RefreshWeb team. The software is designed to streamline the client’s workflow, and it reports critical information on SEO analytics in useful, actionable ways.

“The SEO Dashboard was built by web marketers for web marketers,” continues Rasco. “Expert advice from the trenches and an SEO management tool developed with marketing professionals in mind? That's a tough combo to beat.”

About RefreshWeb

Austin-based RefreshWeb is a business-to-business Internet marketing agency. It applies B2B marketing experience and technical expertise to promote clients’ web sites to the top of the results on Google and other search engines.

For more information about RefreshWeb or a demo on the dashboard, contact John Rasco at (512) 637-5271, 5828 Balcones Dr., Suite 202, Austin, TX 78731. The company’s website is


Contact Information Cynthia Baker


(512) 586-8278

Cynthia Baker

Accolades PR

(512) 586-8278

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